Saturday, January 30, 2021

Pink pink skull top

The very pink pink skull top is finished.

I had (more or less) followed the pattern from the magazine Make Modern, however gave it my own twist. The lower part had too much grey so I ended up undoing this, removing 52 squares of grey replacing with black squares. The result was much better.I enjoyed making this pixel quilt and will definitely make another one.


Now need to decide on how to do the backing as there are several options: 

1) buy some pink fabric and quilt with cotton batting

2) buy some fleece in pink or black

3) look for fabric with skulls

As the quilt needs to be ready early April I have some time to decide on how to finish.

Linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts for the January OMG. Happy to have achieved my first goal of the year.


  1. So very cool! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!
